My Philosophy

All skin is good skin. Acne, stretchmarks, creases, folds, and everything else that comes with having human skin, it's all good skin.

—Dani, Owner of The Holistic Skin Studio.

Our skin does amazing things for us! The layers of our skin can withstand the physical and chemical wear and tear of our environments. It acts as a physical barrier that prevents harmful bacteria and viruses from entering our bodies, and it contains immune cells capable of activating the greater immune system. When we have a cut, our skin heals itself. Our skin synthesizes Vitamin D, which is critical for many bodily functions. It regulates our temperature, and most importantly, our skin is responsible for sensation. From feeling the warmth of a loved one to the pain of stepping on a lego, that's your skin, keeping you safe and sound.

Let’s show our incredible skin the love it deserves. My facials are therapeutically designed to restore balance inside and out. While I do, of course, treat the surface of your skin, facials here go deeper, releasing muscle tension in the head neck and scalp. Every treatment is a deeply intentional opportunity to slow down and connect with your physical body.

I want you to love your

It's time to stop working against your skin and start caring for it. A little compassion goes a long way when it comes to healthy skin. I believe in simple and nourishing skincare: no harsh peels, no 15-step routines, just gentle and holistic skin-care.

Holistic Skincare is so much more than just products.

Holistic means treating the whole person, taking into account all systems of the body as one, and not just looking at the surface.

Give yourself permission to pause.